Our global services :
1. Personnel recruitment and placement
The recruitment follows a detailed requirements (job description) the customer or. Employer and a recruitment contract.
2. Personalgewinnung
We search for you by our international network according to their requirements and a detailed job description suitable employees. We carry out the pre-selection of the candidates and take over the interview and hiring process.
3. Recruitment through projects
If you have multiple auxiliary- need or professionals for a project, We can use this as in Position. 1 & 2 for you to recruit in Germany or in various other countries described. If these candidates do not have adequate knowledge of German, we will qualify with our partner schools to set you language level. Please note that we need a longer lead time for projects.
4. Placement of trainees
We will gladly arrange trainees for your company. The trainees from different countries all have a minimum 10/13 – years of education with successful completion and German language skills of at least B2 language certificate.
5. Recognition procedure of acquired professional qualifications
The job agency Europa has extensive experience in conducting certification procedures by accreditation bodies in the individual German states of regulated professions (Occupations in Social- and health areas) from the different countries of origin. Specifically, from the Social- and health:
5.a recruitment and mediation
The recruitment of auxiliary- and professionals follows a detailed requirements (job description) the customer or. Employer and a recruitment contract.
5.b Personalgewinnung
We search for you by our international network according to their requirements and a detailed job description suitable employees. We carry out the pre-selection of the candidates and take over the interview and hiring process.
5.c recruitment, Recruitment and recognition procedures
Wie Pos a. and b., in addition, we perform the recognition process in the respective State for the candidate by.
5.d adaptation measures The necessary adjustment measures, which were determined by the written opinion of the recognition authority, are planned by us and with the applicant, implemented by the approved training organization.
5.s knowledge test
chooses the candidate, after receiving the written notification of the recognition authority for the knowledge test, We plan the preparatory course and the implementation of the knowledge test at an accredited educational institution.
6. projects
Recruiting an international strategic decision for the future of their company? Germany is competing for talent, because other European countries have an increasing aging population structure and looking outside their borders for young assistants, subject- and executives. It therefore no longer sufficient as a company focused on the economic and social position of Germany to trust as an incentive- not least against the background, our comparable hard-to-learn and less common German language. As part of your predictive analysis and personnel requirements- we create planning a joint project for the recovery, Training and financing of foreign applicants in light of our win - win action. (see item. 7)
7. Win – Win action
Our Win - Win Action aims, the achieve all involved and affected a benefit. Each partner also respects his opponent and tried their interests (personnel, Technically and financially) enough to consider. That means , that a high benefit is generated by a staffing for each page, as he has caused the costs - or be achieved through close and coordinated cooperation more benefits on both sides than without cooperation.
8. Internship / job shadowing (Paid)
a job seeker or an apprentice is applying from another country in Germany, the prospective employer can not picture of his personality, make the professional activities carried out or experience of the candidate, since it can boast Proposal has no job references. Furthermore, have applicants from different countries very often an excellent theoretical training, However, the practical knowledge and experience missing. That's why we offer our customers a shadowing by candidates from a week.
9. Management consultancy
A major focus for us is the specific business support in the implementation of recruitment acquisitions and their instruments. Here, we see ourselves as a partner of HR managers and the respective managers. it is increasingly important to sustainable, strategic and forward-looking personnel development / recovery, which is closely linked to the objectives of organizational development measures. Only qualified and motivated employees contribute significantly to the success of your business. For the qualification, Recruitment and development of employees, there are now a huge tool box of methods, Measures and instruments, that can be used specifically. As experienced international experts for Recruitment & Personnel selection, we know the corresponding challenges in Germany, in the EU and non-EU countries. Moreover, we are convinced, decide that personal ambitions over the business success. Therefore we advise you.
10. Applicants Exchange
In our international candidates Exchange of job agency Europa You have a choice of qualified and dedicated job seekers from around the world. She can be reached at: http://www.jobagentur-europa.eu/bewerberpool/
Our global perspectives make the difference for your industry and your location.